Meet Court

My true addiction to love stories and wedding films were no secret. After planning a wedding of my own, I just knew the creative opportunity out there was calling me to it. That’s when I took on the wedding industry by complete storm. With the support of my soulmate, I took the plunge to turn the gifts I had been given into a career where I get to live vibrantly and celebrate love and happiness in all fashions.

I am inspired each day to change how everyday business is done. By helping couples joyfully plan a monumental day in their lives, I want to inspire humans to keep loving hard and do whatever truly makes you happy. I strive to bring soul back to the industry and of course, share a little love & laughter while I do it.

From the very start of our relationship, I take the time to listen, admire, and encourage the wild ideas of yours and learn to turn those dreams into a reality. I thirst on breaking “normal” barriers and making you feel confident in your skin and your space.

I won’t sugar-coat it… I love a good time. I thrive on being vulnerable, making jokes, bringing laughter into a room, and grooving while I work. But don’t get this confused with my ability to have extreme attention to detail and getting the job done right the first time, every time.

Founder & CEO

A statement from her family:

“Courtney is one of the most dedicated and self-motivated people we know, and we are still amazed that she swam competitively for 17 years and achieved a dream of being a D-1 collegiate swimmer. When she puts her mind to something, we know it is going to become a reality. When she decided it was time to start working on this dream of creating Queenie Design, we just smiled and watched and listened as she made this business become a reality.

Courtney is the oldest of three children and loved all of the normal kid things. However, her time was valuable and she learned at an early age the importance of everything having a place and being in its place. We remember watching her routine at bedtime where everything was neat and put away before she went to bed so her mornings would go smoothly because 5:00 am swim practices come early. That discipline became a part of who she is or... maybe that is how she is wired so the discipline came easy. Either way, she has learned to embrace that gift and use it to help others.

She has always been incredibly creative and has beautiful attention to detail. It is fun to watch her stretch her wings in new directions. As her personality and style changed, we loved exploring them in her home. I urge you to ask her about her story of her wedding planning journey, as it is raw and truly changed who she is today.

As her family, it is so fun to step back and let her make her vision come to life. We can’t wait to see where this dream continues to take her. And we thank all of you who have supported her on this journey thus far.”